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The VIN number did not match and the airbags were rolled up.

What is the VIN number? The car's vehicle identification number (VIN) is the identifying code for a SPECIFIC automobile. The VIN serves as the car's fingerprint, as no two vehicles in operation have the same VIN.

When buying a car, you must always check the VIN number located in 3x places on BMW: 1) On the dashboard near the base of the windscreen on the passenger side 2) Under the bonnet of the vehicle stamped/printed near the top of the suspension mounting. 3) On the driver's side door jamb

During the inspection, the dashboard VIN didn’t match with stamped VIN, so we investigated further

Pre-purchase car inspection done on BMW 530 2014 in Dublin

Manufacturing year: 2014 Odometer reading: 200,000 km Engine: 3.0 Diesel Gearbox: Automatic Current number of owners: 5 What we found during the pre-purchase car inspection:

  • Both headlights were replaced

  • Bonnet replaced and resprayed from 2011 BMW

  • Dashboard replaced from 2011 BMW

  • Both wings have dismantling traces

  • Curtain airbags have black prints on

  • Rear right quarter panel repaired

  • Previously had frontal damage

  • VIN number not matching on the dashboard

If you are buying a car and the VIN number is not matching it’s a clear sign to walk away from the deal.



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